Participative and Inclusive Development and Implementation of IESMP




Outcome 2.1 : Integrated Ecosystems Services Management plans that include mangrove forests conservation and mainstreaming in Bakassi forest ecosystems developed and implemented through cross sectorial participatory processes that facilitate increased investments and adoption by local communities


Output 2.1 : Integrated Ecosystem Services Management Plan (IESMP) developed and under implementation, that increases the % of mangrove land cover and the conservation of aquatic biodiversity.

Output 2.2 : Livelihood options that enhance ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation are tested and promoted in at least three different sites.

Output 2.3 : Bakassi Ecosystem Foundation established in order to support of implementation of the IESM plan.

Output 2.4 : One viable and sustainable multi-stakeholder consultation, communication, interaction and decision-making framework that links clearly to IESMP is established in the Bakassi area.




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